
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

School Lunch resumes

 I really wasn't thinking about school lunch today---until a kid at school refused to eat this one.  Those brown things in the upper right are cooked apples. The orange goo in the lower left is what it is---you are supposed to dip the chips in it.  Apparently kids can refuse the meat entree (a little pile of ground greasy hamburger meat in a chili sauce mixture) so none was on this tray.

A teacher in the class also pointed out that the chocolate milk has 22 grams of sugar. 

This all ended up in the trash. Once kids are given a lunch, it can't be recycled even if they don't eat it.


  1. A big waste of money. I see school lunch being thrown out every day. Even chocolate milk that weren't opened. I cringed at all the money wasted. But again, look at the kind of food that is being served. It looks like a plate of dull brown stuff. No wonder kids aren't eating it.

  2. wowzer...this is exactly why I make my son take his lunch every single day. yuck.

  3. The turkey gravy served at my school is neon green. Not lying. That's why I bring my lunch every day!

    1. I haven't bought a school lunch for years. Thanks for the comment


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