School has ended! No more needs to be said. (I do go back on the 17th for ESY, but those are shorter days and shorter weeks, no IEP meetings or assessments, less of everything.)
If you are still working in your setting, or teaching your child at home, I've written another simple book, How Do Horses Feel? Lots of kids love horses, so I'm hoping your children will find the topic motivating.
I'm going back to the basics, so this book targets feelings, and you can also emphasize answering questions, sentence structure, describing pictures, or basic literacy. The link above is to Tarheel Reader where I created the book. The link below is to the book in Google Drive. You can download and print from there. The icons are on the last page.
There are 18 pages all together, and the feelings shown include happy, sad, angry, friendly, silly, hungry, and thirsty.
Click here to download the book.