
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cosas que hacer in la escuela--Spanish translation of "Things we do at School" Free

Obama was asked about bilingual education, especially given current climate of immigration. Obama believes that everyone should be bilingual or even “trilingual.” “When we as a society do a really bad job teaching foreign languages – it is costing us when it comes to being competitive in a global marketplace,” he said.

It doesn't make sense to me in special education that we wouldn't provide Spanish speaking parents a way to improve the literacy of their child. At my school, EC has largely ignored the home language of the child, and forged ahead in English.  Although most of the staff can't provide native language instruction, the parents certainly can if provided the materials.  My vision here is to expand my free blog items to include a Spanish take-home library of adapted books for the parents to read with their special needs children.

Here's the next book, based on the English version of  Things we do at School.

 I want to thank Clarita Rossi, our multi-talented bookkeeper at Ephesus, for editing this. Although I know some basics, and can use Google translate with common sense, I'm not fluent or proficient in Spanish.

Click here to download the Spanish version of "Things we do at School."

1 comment:

  1. You are indeed doing a great job that your blog items to include a Spanish take-home library of adapted books for the parents to read with their special needs children.It would be definitely with huge volumes of benefit special children.
    free spanish translation


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