
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Tan and Orange Lunch

So...... this was today's tan and orange lunch---tater tots, cheese pizza, peaches, chocolate milk.
I just thought I'd post.  The kid only ate the peaches.   In all fairness to the food company, the peaches did have both vitamin C and vitamin A (in addition to corn syrup).  The chocolate milk does have essential calcium and vitamins (in addition to sugar).  I'm really not sure what tator tots have in them.  Do people really eat tator tots with pizza? 

From the website:  "Feeding our students high quality meals that are nutritious and delicious is our top priority"

Decide for yourself!


  1. None of these things really bother me in a school lunch, but together...that is a bit different! Thankfully our lunch at school today was chicken fajitas on whole wheat tortillas, corn, a lettuce and spinach salad, apple slices, and milk! :)

  2. i appreciate your posting these pictures. My grandson goes to school in Durham and his parents are packing his lunch - your pictures reaffirm why it is necessary.

  3. A topic near and dear to my heart ....I recently wrote a post on my site about healthy school lunch ideas and a fun game for identifying healthy vs junk foods to work on categorization and conversation can check it out here if you'd like

  4. This is not an isolated issue. So sad. I work in several schools and across multiple school districts outside of Chicago and have seen much of the same. I can't understand why children's nutrition isn't a priority.

  5. Sadly, every district I've worked for has had similar lunches, no matter how "nutritious" they claim to be. It's sad that we don't feed our children better in schools.

    Talking With Rebecca


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