
Friday, April 5, 2013

In Awe

Tomorrow is the big day!  Andorra (my daughter) is leaving for the Peace Corps in Indonesia.  I've been anticipating this with a whole spectrum emotions depending on the day--joy, excitement, dread, grief,  then back to happiness, then anxiety.

Today we said our good-byes, and curiously, I didn't break down into an emotional mess.  I was happy and at peace with her leaving, and tonight as I'm typing this, the main feeling I have is awe-- of her spirit, her bravery, her energy, and her willingness to try new things and make the world a little better.  I'm in awe of the fact that she's willing to be away for 27 months--away from her boy friend, missing the birth of her niece, away from the comforts of her home.  I'm in awe that she gave away most of her possessions to do this--clothes, car, electronics, books. I'm in awe of her taking on a job of teaching English to a group of kids who don't share her language. 

Tomorrow, she'll fly to San Francisco and meet up with a group of Peace Corps volunteers.  They'll fly the next day as a group to Surabaya, Indonesia.  It'll actually take two days since they cross the date line.

Her stops--Dallas, San Francisco, Tokyo, Singapore, Surabaya

When I get pictures from Andorra, I'll post them here.  I'm looking forward to her adventures!
Life is good.



  1. WOW, what a brave girl you have! I can't even imagine how you must be feeling...but I am sure you are so very proud of her. I wish her well on her journey and look forward to seeing the pictures you post :)

    Crazy Speech World

    1. Thanks for the nice comment. I'm proud, but have been a bit teary-eyed this morning. Maybe I'll get used to it.

  2. How exciting for both of you!!!!! And scary too! My 16 year old niece is doing a 3 month missions trip in Uruguay. I'm so thrilled for the experience that she is having. :)

    PS: saw your article in the Leader the weekend! :) :) :):)

    1. It's funny how blogging opens doors---writing for the Leader is something that 'they' approached me about all because of the blog.

      About the Peace Corps--I stopped crying. She's still flying there; seems to take a very long time to fly halfway around the world! Thanks for your comments. I hope you are doing OK.


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