
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


“You can't stop the future
You can't rewind the past
The only way to learn the secret to press play.”
Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why

Sometime during the magic year of 2016, I'll be eligible for retirement from the North Carolina Public Schools. Three years seems reachable, and I'll be ready for a change, having worked in the same elementary school for over 20 years.

Change is a good thing!   I've been thinking about the possibilities, and they are wonderful!  Here's a list so far!

  • I have a fantasy that I could take on a traveling speech job, and work temporarily in a setting like Alaska or Oregon for a few months. I could then come home for a few months and then take off again for another wonderful assignment. My husband is eager to tag along!  

  • Another fantasy is that I could apply for certification in Australia or England, and take on a short term job there.  (This would require a bit more work in terms of certification but it's possible.)
  • I've seriously considered getting trained in accent reduction therapy and working out of my home.  There are some undeniable perks to this job.
  • I could join the Peace Corps and spend 27 months doing good work someplace where help is really needed.   This would entail a major commitment; what would my husband say?
  • I could set up a private practice and work with little kids with developmental delays.
  • Once I retire, a fantasy is that school systems with shortages would hire me back at contract pay (since North Carolina isn't giving anyone raises, what SLP will want to work for the regular salary?)
  • I even thought about leaving my current comfort zone and working with adults.  I loved my experiences in a VA hospital, home health, and acute care many years ago, and know that I could get satisfaction from this again.

    The point of this post is that my chosen field is rich with opportunities.  Retirement actually opens quite a few doors for me and I'm excited.  This event (though three years away) is on my mind quite a bit, and I am gradually gearing myself to take a class or two in dysphagia (this wasn't a requirement when I was in school), and look at trainings for accent modification.  I want to have options and advance planning will help. 

    How about you readers out there?  Any big changes coming your way?  How are you preparing?



  1. All sound like wonderful options, Ruth! And isn't it nice to have options? Dreaming of future plans will certainly make the next three years fly by. Good for you for planning ahead.

  2. You might consider just going to international schools. Most run like American schools - they are just in different countries and have money. International schools pay for your housing - so your salary can continue to pay your mortgage in the US should you wish to keep your house. Most think that international school teachers are english teachers. Some are. Most are not.

    Australia is a bit harder because you need a work visa and to get that you either have to marry/date an Australian, or you have to have a skill that most Australian teachers don't have (American accents don't count - I have one :).

    Anyway, I highly encourage going overseas. It's amazing.

    Janet |


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