
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On the Christmas Tree--simple printable book with icons

We are headed to Brevard on Thanksgiving morning--over the river and through the woods.  I am putting up a simple book (found on Tarheel Reader and adapted, and I also changed many of the pictures that were not sharable). We only have three weeks of school before Christmas, so I'm putting up as much as I can now.  Go HERE to a modest holiday collection.

Click here to download this book and icons.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for all of you, and for the technology which allows me to share with you and to learn from all of my fellow bloggers.

SmartySymbols icons now (commercial license)


  1. We camped just outside of Brevard in October! Thanks for all of the free goodies!!!

  2. Hi there,
    I just down loaded this book and did a double take. I am the Jeanyos2 that made it in Tarheel. It's wonderful to see it being used like this and shows some great global sharing.
    Cheers and Sunshine
    Jeanette (Brisbane - Australia)

    1. That's really cool! I do try to credit the original authors and am glad you found this! My kids have all loved your book.


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