
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Seventh Place, and what an honor!

This year I was honored to be nominated as Best Individual Blog for the Edublog Awards.  The finalists were from all over the world, and the winner was a teacher from Bulgaria.  (I used Google Translate to read some of the things she wrote about.  Not surprisingly, some of the same issues exist in education on the other side of the Atlantic!) I was thrilled to be included on the finalist list, and the fact that I came in 7th (out of 53) was amazing to me.  Thank you to those of you who read my blog and download my materials.   And thanks to those who voted!

I liked taking a look at the list of winners in different categories.  This was definitely a multi-country event---there was the winner of the individual blog award (Bulgaria), but other countries were represented in other categories (Ireland, Australia, England, Scotland). My prediction is that more countries and more languages will be added each year.  We are becoming one global community and the internet (and blogging) is helping to make that happen!


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