Friday, May 3, 2013

Ladybugs in Speech Group--printable directions

Happy May!   This school year has gone by quickly with major life events ongoing  (one twin graduating, other twin overseas in the Peace Corps, another child becoming a police officer, me a soon-to-be grandmother).    I find myself thinking about these things more and more, those thoughts overshadowing the thoughts of the fun times (and hard times) I have with the kids at my school.  Life is a balancing act, with a certain ebb and flow to it all!

I had a great day today in our primary EC classroom with ladybugs.  We read "Ladybugs Everywhere", and I was amazed at how well the kids did with the icons and sentence strip.  "Ladybug" is actually a complicated word to pronounce, and my one little guy did a fabulous job at it!  He was so motivated by the book!  For whatever reason, I'm finding the simple Boardmaker graphics a real draw when creating adapted books---kids pay attention.  Once I have their attention, half the battle is won.

The second part of our activity added more fine motor.  Alas, our occupational therapist just had a baby, so today, I was part O.T. (We SLPs have to be flexible!)    I prepped the materials in advance---cutting up circles, and rectangles to make ladybugs.  The task was one of assembly and following directions.  There was also the pragmatic piece--requesting materials and colors.  A couple of my kids use a communication notebook with the left side always being core vocabulary, while the right is fringe (activity specific vocabulary). 
I encourage independence, so final products from the kids may not match exactly with the model.
 Communication is the goal, not the product.

Below are the screenshots of the step-by-step.  I did a lot of prepping in advance to avoid difficult scissor requirements.  Glue and tape were the tools needed.  I used the Pictello app (my favorite) for this activity.  The kids merely touched the iPad for voice output, and swiped to turn the page. 

Title page

Screenshot, and the photo of my midnight prepping!

They clearly understood this step!

If you would like the ladybug directions in pdf, click here.  I cut out the body from red poster board, while the black parts are construction paper.  The cutting, as I said, was in advance, and not part of the directions.

This weekend, I'm in Brevard NC.  The fog over the mountains as I drove in was lovely.  This picture isn't mine, but captures the essence.  Have a nice weekend everyone!


  1. I love this idea! Is there anywhere on your blog where I can download the core vocabulary page that you use with these types of activities??

    1. Thank you for your question, and you are not the first person to ask that. I'm out of town tonight, but I'm thinking that on Monday, I'll post something which shows how we organize vocabulary for a couple of kids, and have a link to download our version of core vocabulary. I've tried a few versions of core words, and have attended some workshops. What we have is an evolving set of words.

    2. That would be awesome! Looking forward to it, thanks! :)


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