Sunday, November 20, 2011

Air B&B---Try it out!

David and I travel occasionally, and have discovered AirBnb---Essentially, people with an extra room rent it out by the night through this website to travelers.  There are some security measures in place, such as a verified phone number, and references (you get more references the more you stay at B&Bs).

We've stayed at some really great places here and there.  I'll highlight my favorite--it was in Annapolis MD.  The couple who owned a house close to downtown rented out their bottom floor, so we had a bedroom, rec room, and bathroom all to ourselves.  They offered wine for the evening, and were great to talk to.  The wife turned out to be high up on the totem pole for CBS news and travels extensively with people like ....President Obama.  Just the conversation was priceless, but the room was great, the dog friendly, and location perfect. (Essentially we were on a 'geocaching vacation' last August, so new cities are perfect for us to explore.)

Our room in Annapolis and hosts
Chapel Hill also has some Air B&Bs in the offering.  See below for a sampling.
After surveying our 'competition' and realizing that we have three empty bedrooms (empty nests), David and I decided to take the plunge and set up our own little B&B through this website.  Our first guests come tomorrow evening!  Apparently, a med student from Georgia is interviewing for a residency position at UNC medical school. Her husband is tagging along, and we are about a mile from the medical school, so this is perfect for them---cheaper and cleaner than a hotel, and a hot breakfast at 6:00 am!  (Her interview is at 7:45.) 

This is looking to be loads of fun.  I love meeting new people!

1 comment:

  1. Cool!! I'll be interested to hear what field she is interviewing for!!


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