The power of forgiveness---When asked if she felt angry towards the shooter, the congresswoman answered "No......(that's) life". Her husband elaborated that the Loughner was obviously in need of serious professional help for severe mental illness prior to the crime, and they wished he had gotten help earlier beforehand. How many of us are capable of such forgiveness? Personally, I can carry anger for trivial matters (e.g. kitchen left dirty.) within my thoughts for a while clouding my days, until I shake it off.
Through sickness and in health Mr Kelly brought this phrase up and stated that that's what marriage is all about. Love permeated the entire episode.
Love for my speech therapy job I don't think I'll ever be on national television working in an elementary school setting, thank heavens! I would definitely need to get a tad more stylish before allowing that to happen.
After watching this though, I was so proud of my colleagues, who did put themselves in front of 13 million viewers! I saw persistence, empathy, kindness, patience, skill, creativity, and joy in their work with the congresswoman.
I tell young people frequently to go to school and get a degree in speech therapy. It's really the best job in the world!
To watch the whole episode, click HERE.
That was so amazing! I loved the use of music therapy as well!